

About Forum

The National Forum for Voluntary Organizations is an umbrella organization for civil society organizations working within the social sphere in Sweden.

Our aim is to strengthen civil society organizations in Sweden through opinion formation, capacity building and tools to facilitate their mission and work.

Forum aims to improve the opportunities for civil society to participate in the creation of a better society through:

  • Influencing public opinion in order to modernize both the financial support and laws that affect civil soiciety organizations. The overall goal is to encourage civil engagement in Sweden.
  • Acting as an intermediary for volunteer engagement through Volontärbyrån.
  • Monitoring and spreading knowledge about civil society in Sweden.
  • Providing a platform for civil society organizations to discuss, network and form partnerships.


In brief 
  • Non-profit organisation, founded in 1993
  • Platform for the exchange of knowledge and developing methods
  • Focused on a free and growing NGO-sector
  • Stresses the importance of voluntary work
  • Runs Volontärbyrån, a platform to make it easy for volunteers and non-profit organisations to find each other

Forum – the National Forum for Voluntary organizations welcome national NGOs involved in voluntary social work in Sweden as full members. Associated members are also welcomed- these are organizations who wish to support the aims and goals of Forum, for instance municipalities and companies.

Full members are for example: The Salvation Army, The Swedish Church, Islamic Relief, The National Council of YWCA-YMCA of Sweden, Lions Clubs International, and Sensus Study Association. 


Contact us:

If you have any questions about us do not hesitate to contact press officer Felicia Ottosson.

+46 738760041